From Jupyter notebooks to Sagemaker Pipelines
Tools to support your data science team’s creative high as they transition from notebooks to pipelines
I enjoy working with our data scientists. I’ve made it my goal to keep their model development velocity high. This means respecting their creative process and providing them with tools (Jupyter widgets, data automation, labeling automation, etc.) to keep them in the “creative zone”. Unfortunately, they have to break out of this creative zone as they transition from Jupyter notebooks to pipelines.
Sagemaker Pipelines is a Sagemaker workflow tool for building and managing end-to-end ML pipelines. It’s great for creating reproducible model training and evaluation. But in contrast to the creative process, pipelines operate in a rigid environment.
In this post, we’ll explore tools to help facilitate the handover from notebooks to Sagemaker Pipelines.
If your data scientists are starting from Jupyter notebooks and are expected to write their own pipeline from it via Sagemaker Pipelines (or at least prep for it), the tools below could help with the transition.